2000.09.09 By K. Matsumoto @ National Astronomical Observatory


NAOTIDE is a program to predict ocean tidal height at given
time and location using ocean tide model developed by
assimilating TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter data. NAOTIDEJ is a
program for ocean tidal prediction near Japan using higher
resolution regional model. This package comes with NO

2. Ocean tide model

* Short-period ocean tide model (NAO.99b, NAO.99Jb models)
  Models for major 16 constituents (M2, S2, K1, O1, N2, P1,
  K2, Q1, M1, J1, OO1, 2N2, Mu2, Nu2, L2, T2) are
  prepared. Model region and resolution are as follows, 

                                                   Model Region           Resolution
  Global model                (NAO.99b)    0degE-360degE, 90degS-90degN     0.5deg
  Regional model around Japan (NAO.99Jb) 110degE-165degE, 20degN-65degN     5min

  These models are developed by assimilating nearly 5 years
  of TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter data (Cycle 10-198) into 
  hydrodynamical model. The appropriate reference to NAO.99b
  and NAO.99Jb models is 
  Matsumoto, K., T. Takanezawa, and M. Ooe,
  Ocean Tide Models Developed by Assimilating TOPEX/POSEIDON
  Altimeter Data into Hydrodynamical Model: A Global Model 
  and a Regional Model around Japan,
  Journal of Oceanography, 56, 567-581, 2000. 

* Long-period ocean tide model (NAO.99L model)
  Global models for 7 constituents (Mtm, Mf, MSf, Mm, MSm,
  Ssa, Sa) are prepared. The long-period global models are
  developed by T. Takanezawa (NAO). These models are purely
  hydrodynamical model (T/P data not assimilated).  Model
  region and resolution are as follows, 

                                   Model Region           Resolution
  Mtm, Mf, MSf, Mm, MSm, Ssa 0degE-360degE, 90degS-90degN     0.5deg
  Sa                         0degE-360degE, 90degS-90degN     1.0deg

  Sa model is re-sampled into 0.5 deg map for the sake of
  convenient calculation, although their original resolution
  is 1.0 deg. 
  A paper for the long-period model is now being prepared.

* Radial loading tide model
  Global models for above 23 constituents are prepared.
  They are based on spherical harmonic decomposition of
  ocean tidal field up to degree and order 360.

                         Model Region           Resolution
  Global model   0degE-360degE, 90degS-90degN     0.5deg

  Sa loading models is developed using re-sampled 0.5deg map
  although their original resolution is 1.0deg for the sake
  of convenient calculation. 

3. Performance

Comparison with 98 open ocean tide gauge data shows
comparable performance of NAO.99b model as CSR4.0 and
GOT99.2b model.

                   |  M2    O1    K1    S2    P1    N2    K2    Q1  | RSS  
RMS Misfit NAO.99b | 1.457 0.755 1.011 1.033 0.378 0.643 0.426 0.236| 2.364
RMS Misfit CSR4.0  | 1.477 0.848 1.100 1.000 0.397 0.631 0.509 0.324| 2.456
RMS Misfit GOT99.2b| 1.392 0.829 1.035 1.006 0.372 0.637 0.414 0.289| 2.347
Unit is in cm.

Collinear residual reduction test shows that performance of
NAO.99b is better than CSR4.0 and GOT99.2b in shallow waters. 
TOPEX/POSEIDON data cycles 240-258 are used for this test.
     ocean depth (m)        |  0 < H < 200 | 200 < H < 1000 | 1000 < H
     # of normal points     |     25609    |     18796      |   525054
RMS collinear diff. NAO.99b |  11.20 cm    |   6.98 cm      |   8.56 cm
RMS collinear diff. CSR4.0  |  15.77 cm    |   7.37 cm      |   8.55 cm 
RMS collinear diff. GOT99.2b|  13.99 cm    |   7.37 cm      |   8.65 cm 

4. Program

Program is supplied as a subroutine form. You may see how
to use it by taking a look at a test driver program
naotest.f (or naotidej.f for calculation near Japan).

In the program naotest.f,

at the line
      itmode   = 1
you can select tidal calculation mode.
itmode = 1 : compute geocentric tide, which is sum of pure
             ocean tide and radial loading tide. This mode
             is used for tidal correction for altimeter
itmode = 2 : compute pure ocean tide with respect to ocean
             floor. This mode may be used for tidal
             correction for sea-bottom pressure gage.
itmode = 3 : compute radial loading tide.

At the line
      lpmode  = 1
you can select the way of calculating long-period tide.
lpmode  = 1 : use the long-period ocean tide map of
              Takanezawa (2000, in prep.). 
lpmode  = 2 : use equilibrium tide model. This is valid for
              itmode = 1 or 2. Note that, however, the same
              value will be returned for both itmode values.

18.6-year period tide (Doodson #055.565) is treated as
equilibrium tide for both lpmode = 1 and 2. 

At the lines
      x       = 246.61503d0     ! East longitude in degree
      y       = -18.42767d0     ! North latitude in degree
given are the ocean location where you want to predict tides.

At the lines
      iyear1  = 1997 ! year
      imon1   =    1 ! month
      iday1   =    1 ! day
      ihour1  =    0 ! hour
      imin1   =    0 ! minute
given are the start time epoch of prediction in UTC.

At the lines
      iyear2  = 1997 ! year
      imon2   =    1 ! month
      iday2   =    2 ! day
      ihour2  =    0 ! hour
      imin2   =    0 ! minute
given are the end time epoch of prediction in UTC.

At the line
      dt = 60.d0                ! in minute
give is the time step of prediction in minute.

At the line
      outfile = 'naotest.out'
given is the output file name.

The output file will look like this;

Geocentric tidal height
Elapsed day   Tide(cm)  Short-p   Long-p    M  D  Yr   H  M     MJD     Longitude Latitude
    0.0        -21.809   -21.663    -0.146  1/ 1 1997  0: 0 50449.000000 246.6150 -18.4277
    0.041667   -21.544   -21.403    -0.141  1/ 1 1997  1: 0 50449.041667 246.6150 -18.4277
    0.083333   -14.953   -14.817    -0.136  1/ 1 1997  2: 0 50449.083333 246.6150 -18.4277
    0.125000    -3.783    -3.652    -0.131  1/ 1 1997  3: 0
50449.125000 246.6150 -18.4277

Elapsed day : elapsed time reckoned from the start epoch in day. 
Tide        : tidal height in cm, which is sum of
              the short-period tide and the long-period tide.
Short-p     : short-period tide in cm.
Long-p      : long-period tide in cm.
M D Yr H M  : time in UTC.
MJD         : corresponding Modified Julian Date.
Longitude   : East longitude in degree.
Latitude    : North latitude in degree.

The short-period tide value is from 16 major constituents
and 33 minor constituents which is inferred from major ones
by interpolating or extrapolating the admittance.

The long-period tide value is from 7 major constituents and
5 nodal modulations. 18.6-year period equilibrium tide is
added to the 12 terms when itmode = 1 or 2.

62 tidal constituents are considered in total.

5. Install

The following files are necessary for global ocean tidal
nao99b_gc.tar.gz + nao99L_gc.tar.gz (if you need geocentric tidal height)
nao99b.tar.gz    + nao99L.tar.gz    (if you need pure ocean tidal height)
nao99b_rload.tar.gz                 (if you need radial loading tidal height)

The following files are necessary for regional ocean tidal
prediction using high-resolution tidal maps; 
nao99Jb_gc.tar.gz + nao99L_gc.tar.gz (if you need geocentric tidal height)
nao99Jb.tar.gz    + nao99L.tar.gz    (if you need pure ocean tidal height)
(Note: No regional models for long-period tides and radial loading tides)

I suppose you are working on UNIX system. The similar as for

Make nao99b directory.
(~): mkdir nao99b
(~): cd nao99b/

Make omap directory.
(~/nao99b): mkdir omap
(~/nao99b): cd omap

If you need geocentric tidal height;
(~/nao99b/omap): gunzip nao99b_gc.tar.gz
(~/nao99b/omap): tar xvf nao99b_gc.tar
(~/nao99b/omap): gunzip nao99L_gc.tar.gz
(~/nao99b/omap): tar xvf nao99L_gc.tar

If you need pure ocean tidal height;
(~/nao99b/omap): gunzip nao99b.tar.gz
(~/nao99b/omap): tar xvf nao99b.tar
(~/nao99b/omap): gunzip nao99L.tar.gz
(~/nao99b/omap): tar xvf nao99L.tar

If you need radial loading tidal height;
(~/nao99b/omap): gunzip nao99b_rload.tar.gz
(~/nao99b/omap): tar xvf nao99b_rload.tar

Extract naotide program in the nao99b directory.
(~/nao99b/omap): cd ..
(~/nao99b): gunzip naotide000909.tar.gz
(~/nao99b): tar xvf naotide000909.tar

Compile the program in the naotide directory.
(~/nao99b): cd naotide
(~/nao99b/naotide): f77 (or f90) -o naotest naotest.f

Make a link to the tide model directory.
(~/nao99b/naotide): ln -s ../omap .

6. Validation

Run naotest and compare the output file "naotest.out" with

(~/nao99b/naotest): naotest

naotest.out.exam is the result on HI-UX/MPP.

7. Format transformation
   The tide models are written in integer table format. In
   order to transform them to standard (Longitude, Latitude,
   Amplitude, Greenwich phase) format, please use
   nao2xyap.f such as; 
   % f77 (f90) -o nao2xyap nao2xyap.f
   % nao2xyap < m2.nao > m2.xyap

8. E-mail contact

*  Questions about the short-period ocean tide model and
   the software as well as reprint request should be sent to

   National Astronomical Observatory

*  Questions about the long-period ocean tide model should
   be sent to

   National Astronomical Observatory

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