

関東が熱波に襲われた6月27日,フランスのパリ大学の学生,Alexandre de Larminat君がインターンシップの目的でRISE月惑星探査プロジェクトにやってきました.仙川のホテルへ迎えに行って,汗だくになりながら三鷹キャンパスへ連れてきました.






















(文責:Alexandre de Larminat)


Days at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

I am a third-year French undergraduate student studying Earth sciences, with a focus on geophysics. I had the privilege of interning under Noriyuki Namiki for two months during summer 2022 and was able to research asteroid Ryugu’s craters. Over these two months, I was able to expand my knowledge in general geophysics but also develop a deep understanding of my object of research - Ryugu. It was extremely interesting to me to be able to focus on such a specific object, understanding its complex history, dynamics and how it situated itself in relation to other asteroid…but also failing to understand many things, as there is still much to understand and discover, new knowledge prompting ever more questions!
This was my first real experience with research, and I realize I would really like to pursue it as a career.
I had a lot of autonomy in my schedule and approach, but thanks to N. Namiki’s careful supervision, I was never left feeling out of my depth. I have bouts of insomnia so I was glad for this more flexible schedule that allowed me, if needed, to catch up on sleep later in the day…!
Working at NAOJ was a great experience, as everyone was extremely welcoming and the campus is very pleasant - it’s green, the library is quiet, comfortable and has references in a variety of topics and languages, including, I was surprised to discover, French. There’s also a nice canteen on weekdays. I was able to stay at the Cosmos Lodge, an accommodation for visiting researchers, which was a relief and extremely convenient as it’s on campus and remarkably cheap.
The increasingly un-novel coronavirus was still unfortunately present and well at my time of stay, so some common spaces were closed and masks were mandatory which made for a different experience, however everyone was still very friendly while being respectful of hygiene so it was barely a concern. Japan’s border restrictions meant I needed a visa to enter, and this slightly complicated matters, but things worked out in the end.
Apart from studying Earth sciences, I also studied Japanese at university, so I was of course delighted to be able to be in the country for some time - I had visited previously but didn’t speak a word back then, and I found the experience quite different from what I had seen as a tourist, speaking a bit of the language and living a day-to-day life. I discovered many sides of Tokyo, but was also able to see Mizusawa and Hiraizumi thanks to a trip to the Mizusawa campus. As my Japanese was too poor to use in scientific work or, frankly, to chat comfortably in, I relied heavily on English which everyone was thankfully proficient in. I did however make progress in my Japanese skills…mostly in the domain of food - certainly an important one!
Students in my undergraduate course usually intern abroad after their second year, however this was postponed to third year due to Covid in my case. Students one year above were unable to intern abroad at all, so I’m grateful I was able to, with financial support from the University of Paris, as it was an enriching experience and a lovely time.

Alexandre de Larminat

(Photos : Some bamboos on the Mitaka campus, and a view at Hiraizumi.)