VERA Toppage  

Common Use

List of accepted proposals for 2014B common use

Number of accepted proposals : 4
Total observing time for 2014B common use : 142.5

No. Proposal Title Person affiliation Category total observing time
1 The connection between the parsec-scale radio jet and ??-ray activity in OJ 287 S. Sawada-Satoh Mizusawa VLBI Observatory/NAOJ AGNs 48 (8x6)
3 Probing the vicinity of "ultra-massive" black holes in NGC1277, NGC1270 and UGC2698 Kazuhiro Hada NAOJ AGNs 36 (6x6)
4 Stellar phase dependence of SiO v=2 and 3 J=1 ?? 0 maser distributions Miyako Oyadomari Kagoshima University Stars 48 (8x6)
5 Revealing the structure of water maser disk in NGC4945's AGN Aya Yamauchi Mizusawa VERA Observatory AGNs 10.5 (3x3.5)

Call for Proposal
