AGN & Sgr A* part 1

Meeting Number: 
Katsunori M. SHIBATA
Session Time Range: 
Mon, 2014-01-20 11:00 - 12:00
Session Beginning Time: 
2014/01/20 11:00
Session Ending Time: 
2014/01/20 12:00
Session Time Table: 
Start TimeEnd TimePresenterTitle
11:0011:20Motoki KINOSummary report of KaVA AGN sub-WG activities
11:2011:40Kazunori AKIYAMAProbing the gas cloud encounter to Sgr A* with VERA/KaVA: current results and future prospects
11:4012:00Atsushi MIYAZAKIIntra-day variability of Sgr A* by the multi-frequencies observation using KVN