Star Forming Regions

Meeting Number: 
Katsunori M. SHIBATA
Session Time Range: 
Wed, 2013-01-30 13:30 - 15:00
Session Beginning Time: 
2013/01/30 13:30
Session Ending Time: 
2013/01/30 15:00
Session Time Table: 
Start TimeEnd TimePresenterTitle
13:3013:45Tomoya HIROTAReport from the star forming regions SWG
13:4514:00Miju KANGA water and methanol maser survey toward protostars in Orion
14:0014:15Koishiro SUGIYAMAVLBI imaging of 44-GHz methanol masers in W51 E1
14:1514:30Nagisa SHINOVLBI observations of 6.7-GHz methanol masers in massive SFRs
14:3014:45Nobuyuki SAKAIAbsolute proper motions of IRAS 00259+5625
14:4515:00allShort Discussions